Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Burkina Faso

The phone rang while Chris and I were in the car traveling home from Liberty University last weekend. I didn't recognize the number. Usually that means I will just let it ring and then I'll check the message later. For some reason I answered it this time. "Brian, I don't know if you remember me or not but I'm B**** P***** (need to keep confidential), and I'm calling from the US Embassy in Burkina Faso." Well I did remember him, which was the second unusual thing to happen in the last minute since I have a terrible memory for names. 5 years ago on a plane some 30,000 feet above earth I shared my faith with this man as well as the ministry of Sports Friends with him. He was calling me to tell he his helping a friend launch a Sports Friends type initiaitve in BK. He even had contacted SIM leadership in BK about what he and his friend were going to do through sports in the local community there. While it was great to re-connect with this man I was sad when I got off the phone. The SF sports initiatives are as eternally impacting as the leaders are committed to a Kingdom perspective, having a passion for what matters most to God, leading from the power of the Holy Spirit and having a radiant presence that is from being an authentic follower of Jesus Christ. BP doesn't have that yet. But he must be considering what I've said because he kept my number. His sports projects may curb some bad behavior in some youth for a period of time but ultimately we need God to change his heart so he can be used in the process of God changing these BK young peoples heart. Will you pray towards this end today for BP? Thank You!

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