Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"You do what?"

Wow, where have the days gone? It's now Tuesday morning and we have been going morning, afternoon and evening since the last time I updated this blog. Our Int'l training team met each day all day starting on Wednesday right through Saturday. We had a very productive time together. Jen and Jill have done a tremendous job over the last few months on updating our material. Kyle Abts from our SF Nigeria team contributed greatly to our discussions as did both our Ethiopian leaders. John Yip from South Africa was a part of our discussions for a full day on Saturday. Thank you for all your prayers as we develop our training materials to better serve the development of the church centered sports ministry in Africa and Asia.

The guys enjoyed their first ever Carolina Panthers football game on Sunday (even though the Panthers stunk!) but Ephraim couldn't understand the role of the cheerleaders! The eight people kicked out of the game in our section only added to the excitement of the day.

One of the funniest moments so far on this trip was when Ephraim discovered we walk our dogs so they could do their business and then we pick up their business. "You americans have surely lost your minds!!!!" "You pick up their POOP?????" "Oooohhh Nooo, this isn't right!"
Sadly, after we stopped laughing so hard, in a sobering moment, Ephraim did mention the dogs in America receive better care then the children of Ethiopia and all of Africa. He had interesting insights into why we treat our dogs so well and yet only have shallow relationships with so many of our neighbors and friends. I will develop his thinking in a further blog....very interesting and thought provoking.

Last night we had a "friends" mtg at the Tenneyson's house and God really met us there. There was a special moving of the Spirit in both Ephraims and Berhanus heart & presentations that led to many tears in the room. Thank you Jeff and Kathy for hosting our time together.

Tripp arrived late Sunday night and so today we begin our Sports Friends International meetings. We start with an all day SF Ethiopia country review. Pray for wisdom for Jill, Tripp, Ephraim, Berhanu and I as we discuss every aspect of this large ministry in our Jerusalem location. Specific topics include: how to reach the 15 unreached people groups in the country, handling the numerous challenging situations with the new M*****converts, the multiplication strategy for training coaches to be life influencers, hiring new staff, developing our camp ministry, mobilization of Ethiopian Sports Ministers for cross cultural service and many more strategic topics. Thank You for praying.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Heart of the Matter!

Ephraim's Heart: Local doctors have given a clean bill of health to Ephraim's heart.....YES! Some concerns had been raised in Ethiopia about his heart from a local hospital, but no serious issues were discovered during his evaluations yesterday.....THANK YOU for praying for our smiley Sports Minister's HEART from Addis!

Talking about the heart......

The heart is the engine for our desires, motivations, and ambitions. According to Scripture: The heart is above all else evil and wicked. Jeremiah 17:9-10 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

Our only hope for our heart is found in a redeeming relationship through Jesus Christ which brings about the transforming power ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a cleansing agent which can bring healing to our wounded hearts, and purity to our actions through. The fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit upon our hearts is found in bringing about love (for God, and the things that matter most to God i.e. caring and loving others like the youth in Ethiopia) which manifests itself in joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control towards others.. The heart can only be fulfilled when our desires, ambitions and motivations are focused on the purposes of God. We need to have a good heart for this work. Therefore, we need to examine our hearts regularly to check on the condition of our heart:
1. inpurities that have gotten in through our blood stream (worldly influences that come in from our culture, from TV, movies, books, etc. -like clogged arteries from fatty issues which can lead to death)
2. hardness of a heart - Example: When we don't forgive someone for something. An unforgiving heart turns into anger, bitterness, hate and sometimes revenge. God's Word can't take root in a hardened heart/ Jer. 4:3
3. fleshly desires that have damaged the heart (not functioning at capacity and/or death is near -like a stroke or heart attack!)

Heart Scriptures for our next examination:

a. Benefits of a right heart/Deut. 10:16-19
b. the need for a pure heart and spirit/Psalm 51:10
c. spiritual heart transplants/ Lk 1:17
d. Jesus requires a willing heart/mt 5:20
e. God knows our true intentions/Mt 21:30

Have a Great Day and Please pray for our training conference today. Thank you. brian

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Great time at Liberty, thanks for Praying.

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME time at Liberty University. Much more on our experience, which included 2 wonderful hours of connecting with the students going to Ethiopia through Light Ministries in March 2010, a meeting with Johnnie Moore, two divine appointments, time with the Women's soccer coaches, prayer time in the chapel, a first ever visit to a tanning booth for Ephraim (oh my goodness, what a riot), a first ever tubing ride down the ski slope at the school (this was crazy funny) and more, when I have time to summarize for you. For now, thank you for your prayers, the time was truly blessed foreach of us.

Today they have medical and dental exams and we start with our training curriculum conference with Kyle Abts from Nigeria, Jill Ireland from Thailand and Jenn Brady from here in Charlotte.

Please pray for our full schedule this week. Pictures on the Liberty trip forthcoming when we slow down enough to get them up for you. Thanks friends.


Monday, October 19, 2009

To Liberty University today -Monday, Oct 19th.

Pray for the guys and I as we head to Liberty University today to share with a group of 20 who will be heading to Ethiopia to work with Sports Friends in March, 2010. We will also be meeting different leaders in the Global Missions department and members of the soccer teams. Thank you.

PS Pray for Jill Ireland who has had complications with her flights to the US from Thailand to work with us on curriculum development. She is due to arrive tomorrow but has been delayed. We need her here as soon as possible. Pray.

Thank Church at Charlotte for Hosting "the boys" yesterday!

The CAC did a wonderful job of hosting Ephraim and Berhanu yesterday....THANK YOU PASTOR JIM, RALSTONS, HEFNERS, Lloyds, Hardings, and so many others that played a part in yesterdays "hosting initiatives" at the Church of Charlotte! The evening sharing time was well attended by our "friends" from other churches in the Charlotte area who have participated in partnering with the Sports Friends Ethiopia ministry. Over 150 people from outside of CAC came last night including 2 couples from SandHills Church in the Pinehurst, NC area which is 2 1/2 hours a way. It was a blessing to visit with so many Sports Friends "friends" last night.

Thank you to all of you for your partnership and encouragement in The Lord's Work in Ethiopia through the mission of SIM (last night it should have been mentioned that new SIM USA President Bruce Johnson was in attendance along with SIM USA's deputy director Fred Ely with his wonderful wife Grace....thank you for coming). Remember Sports Friends is not the only ministry you can get involved with in Ethiopia through SIM. Hope for AIDS is a powerful ministry that is looking for partnership assistance from both individuals and churches as well. You would be deeply blessed by getting involved in that ministry. Yvonne Mildred who also was there last night can be contacted through the SIM Int'l number 803.802.7300 for those who want more information on how to connect with this ministry. Moreover, there are 15 unreached or limited reached people groups in Ethiopia that SIM has a burden to reach with the Gospel. Along with a funding need for M**** ministries in the country. Want to help? E-mail me at brian.davidson@sim.org and I will get you connected. Check out SIM.org for more news on the Global ministry of SIM.

WWW.Sports-Friends.org has new prayer requests for your consideration. Please be willing to be an intercessor for our ministry. Last week Daniel from Nigeria was in prison because of a vehicle accident that led to a death of individual. He has been released now but we need your prayers for our ministry around in Africa and Asia. Don't forget SF Asia, we have an amazingly gifted staff there launching church centered sports ministry in that part of the world.

Finally if you attended one of the times yesterday and heard Berhanu and Ephraim's testimony and sharing time you were probably impacted in your heart. God has done a great work in their hearts but guess what? God has done a great work and paid a huge sacrifice for each of us. Don't live your life through them, but do follow their example. Be obedient, faithful to God's commands in His Word, listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance for being actively involved in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, then be willing to sacrifice and suffer for the cause. Your desire to sacrifice and your willingness to commit wholehearted obedience to the purposes of the Kingdom of God on this earth with be in direct proportion to the faith your have in your Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. God is in the business of using the weak and ordinary people of this world who love Him and Him only to do extraordinary things. The one catch is it won't be about you because it's all about HIM. To God and GOD alone be the Glory for the GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE in ETHIOPIA and will do in the future.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Wind Tunnel at Discovery Place!

They have been enjoying most American food so far.

the boys love their coffee.

Pray for Berhanu and Ephraim as they share at Church of Charlotte tomorrow. Morning SS and evening service starting at 6:30.

Two Girls who love Ethiopia and the Dorrances-Johanna and Jamie! They both enjoyed our UNC day and we loved having them!

Arborbrook School Photo's

A UNC Chapel Hill Day!

M'Liss Feed Us!
Anson Supplied a 2-1 win!

Pets for Sale?

Wednesday we visited Pet Land, one of Johanna's favorite places to go, to see all the dogs, birds, fury things, and fish. Ephraim was BAFFLED by the visit. You buy dogs? You pay that much for a dog? You feed or school 50 -75 kids for a month for that price! You put clothes on them? How much does that dog food cost? What? You have hospitals/medical clinics, and a pet cemetery? You Americans are CRAZY! You have too much money that now you are spending too much on animals. Interesting perspective. We all loved seeing live shark eggs....WOW was that cool!
Restful day for the men. They are now enjoying staying with the Hardings for a few days. On Saturday we are off to Chapel to watch the Woman of UNC play. We will enjoy a feast at the Dorrances for lunch before heading over. Johanna and Jamie Waldron are coming along (both loved their time getting to know the Dorrances on one of their two visits to Ethiopia) as well as Joe Harding...should be a fun time together. Pray for our time in fellowship as we will spend 6 hours of traveling time together and also pray for our time with M'Liss and Anson Dorrance. Also, pray for our time with the Evans family who will be meeting us at the game. They are FCA leaders in Southeast USA and several family members have come to Camp Langano over the best two years. thanks for praying. bd

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Arborbrook School - Thank You Johanna for initiating our visit.

Thank you Arborbrook High School for inviting Berhanu and Ephraim to your classes this morning, they had a blessed time with both classes. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit take the lead in our sharing today with these students. This morning we prayed together that God would do just that. Walking across the parking lot after we had finished one girl approached us and said that was GREAT today! I hadn't even recognized the student from the class. But the way she said "that was GREAT today," with such emotion, really impacted me because I knew that what she heard today really impacted her heart. I knew that was the work of the Holy Spirit, it always is, he goes before you and prepares the heart of the listener. When you share, the Spirit is powerfully communicated in simple words and the heart of the hearer is moved deeply, even brings some to tears. Thank you Holy Spirit for using us today at Arborbrook, brought back AWESOME memories of the three of us being used in the early years of the church centered sports ministry work in Ethiopia. We pray that the truth of God's word, the life experiences of following Christ, and the challenges that were shared with the students would manifest themselves in these young men and woman's hearts & minds. Ephraim, Berhanu and I desire that in the days, weeks and months ahead each of these students would be more grateful for the the opportunities they have to study and learn the truth's found in God's Word, to give from their abundant resources to those in need, and to just be more grateful in all area's of their lives. Moreover, we desire that they would love God with more passion, and have a greater zeal in following Jesus with absolute reckless abandon and total surrender to His Kingdom purposes on this earth. PRAY with us for these 30 students hearts as they attend Arborbrook HS this year. Pray also for their teachers!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Calm before the Storm.

Our brothers in Christ from Ethiopia enjoyed a "sleep in" till 9:30 this morning. They are struggling with the time change big time. Cooked a big breakfast for them this morning and then we fellowshiped together. Our morning worship time focused on Acts 2 and the transformation of Peter's leadership post Jesus ministry timeframe. He went from a impulsive, brash and unstable leader to a humble, confident in God, and full of the Spirit servant leader. We had a wonderful time reading the passage and expounding on what we learned from Peter and the text. Together we talked about the power of forgiveness, the right source for our confidence, the constant need to discover how we can spend more time residing in a spirit of humility and our keen desire to finish strong. We followed this study time with prayer for all the speaking engagements upcoming. It was a wonderful morning of fellowship.

The guys loved their ride on the train into Uptown. We spent a couple of hours enjoying Discovery Place and the "Ship Wreck" exhibition as well as the IMAX theater which showed a movie entitled "Under the Sea." They loved it. They are easily pleased. After a mid afternoon stop for coffee we arrived back home around 4:30pm. Chris fixed us a big homemade dinner complete with lots of dessert choices. Ephraim tried them ALL! Then we settled in for the World Cup qualifier between the US and Costa Rica. The boys barely made it through the end of the match and were in bed by 9:30.

Pray for them between 10 - 11:45 tomorrow morning as they speak in two Bible classes at Arborbrook School.

Pray for Ephraim & Yenu and Berhanu & Adonech, that their marriages would stay rooted in their love for God and each other. Pray for the wives as they are home alone with the kids. Pray for these men to finish the race strong!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What a FIRST day!

After a cup of coffee or two this morning in our home it was off to a late breakfast at where else but Chick Fila Arboretum (the best one in the world, right Hope?). On the way, Ephraim was like a little kid looking out the window so interested in everything he saw. "What's those boxes," he asked. "While those are mailboxes, they bring the mail right to your house," I answered. "How do they do that?" Before I could answer he said with enthusiasm, "Oh that's why you need those zip codes right?" That's right Ephraim. And the fact that we actually have street names, house numbers and town maps helps a ton too. After a healthy breakfast it was off to Chris and Johanna's school for a visit. Johanna loved showing them around the grounds and introducing them to all her friends. From there it was off to see the Billy Graham Library. Both of them were deeply moved by the experience. Inspired for sure! Now for those of you who have been before you will remember the talking cow when you first come in. We saw it on the way out because the tour had just started and the first movie was playing when we arrived. So we hurried up and joined in with the group already assembled. When we finished the tour they both really wanted to go back and see the cow they had missed at the start. As we were walking over to see the cow I said to them this was the only real live talking cow in the world. When we got there the cow began to talk. The two of them stared at this cow for almost 10 minutes, they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing or their eyes wre seeing (pictures will be posted tomorrow). A TALKING COW! I hated to break the news to them that the cow really wasn't a real cow. Ephraim refused to believe me at first. Berhanu wasn't sure what to believe. "It looks so real," the two of them exclaimed. "What about the cat, is it real?" Ephraim asked. "Nope, not the cat either, all fake," I exclaimed. "Are you sure," Ephraim said. I'm sure Ephraim. He loved that cow exhibition.

The rest of the day we enjoyed visiting Jamie at the YMCA, visiting the "Nate Watkin family" (Nate spent 6 months in Ethiopia in 2003 and Jenn visited around 2005?), eating dinner at "On the Border" (they definitely loss money on the unlimited chips & dip we ate and Ephraim devoured) and then a Charlotte Latin soccer game where we enjoyed the company of LuLu (Ethiopia 2008) and seeing Mitch (Coaches training 2007) and Mark Steffans (First tour to Ethiopia in 2001) after the match. What a day! Evening prayer and then off to Bed by 10pm.

Tomorrow we head Uptown on the train where a visit to Discovery Place is planned. Just trying to get them to relax a little while seeing some of the sights in Charlotte and visiting some special friends who use to live in Ethiopia before all the planned meetings, travel and speaking engagements begin. Yet invites galore are coming in for these guys (4 new terrific opportunities today for them that we had to pass on) to speak or meet with folks. We are really trying to protect them as much as possible by not adding any more on to their already full schedule.

We have lots of work ahead of us in our upcoming Ethiopia country review, camp langano planning day, our 4 day curriculum development training time, board of advisor mtgs, donor desserts, numerous speaking engagements, Florida ISC conference, Texas visit, Montreat trip, Chapel Hill visit and Liberty University engagement as well as medical & dental exams squeezed in between everything else. We just can't do anymore and we hope our friends who love our Ethiopian brothers will understand. Ephraim and Berhanu do so much and run so hard while serving the Lord in Ethiopia. With lots of meetings ahead of us we want to be sure they can breath, relax, laugh, have a bit of down time, enjoy fun experiences and have time for them to prepare in prayer and in the Word for all that's ahead of them. Thank You for understanding.


PS Gifts. People have inquired about giving to these men. If you want to give to Berhanu or Ephraim a gift we ask you to consider giving them a card, maybe a family photo, with cash so they can buy what they need here before they go back or just use the money to buy clothes etc. when they return to Addis. With limited baggage to return with and $150-$200 per extra baggage we really would love for you to go this route if possible. We will take them to stores before they leave to fill one bag with their needs and desires from the cash they receive. If you really must buy them something feel free to give me a call regarding a potential needs and desired list for both of them (i.e. maybe you want to just give them $?? bucks to buy something at a Disney World shop) and/or to see if there is any room left in the extra bag for something you already bought. If your willing to pay for an extra bag you can let me know that as well. Thanks friends and if you live in Charlotte don't forget the Sunday night at 6pm testimony sharing at Church of Charlotte.

Berhanu and Ephraim are in the house!

Ephraim and Berhanu arrivied safely on Monday night, thank the Lord. Jamie Waldron who lived in Ethiopia with us for three years and Hope Terkuerst our summer Ethiopian daughter joined our family in welcoming the boys from Addis to Charlotte. Our first stop was Chick Fila Arboretum where owner Art Terkuerst treated the guys to their first meal which included a "to die for" cookies and cream milkshake. The welcome "committee" for our Sports Friends Ethiopian leaders grew as the Hardings, Lloyds, Kuykendalls, John Sterrett and Art joined us at Chick Fila.
We reached home close to 9pm and I couldn't resist having fun with Ephraim. As we entered the driveway I told him if he clutched my right hand when we got close to the house the garage door would go up. Sure enough it did...imagine that. He was startled and amazed. He hit the sack around 10pm and wasn't seen until 10 the next morning...he was exhausted! It's so awesome to have these guys here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Is the US of A ready for Ephraim?

I haven't even seen Ephraim yet and we have had to rescue him from himself. If Danny and I hadn't he would be living at Dulles airport until we could unravel his ticketing mess. Remind you of a movie? He reminds me of Peter from the scriptures in so many ways. I love Peter! Too long of a story to tell, but the skinny on it is he ended up double booked (he booked his own ticket on impulsive decision) on flights from Dulles, with different dates heading to two different locations in the US and one almost got cancelled today....the one he was using to come to Charlotte with today. Danny with help from another ministry partner was able to get everything worked out. Funny thing is I'm sure Ephraim doesn't have a clue anything was wrong as he waited 10 hours at Dulles (despite the fact that flights come to Charlotte from Dulles almost hourly) for his United flight to Charlotte today. He is too too much. Is America ready for Ephraim? Ready or not here he comes. PS Picture of him and I above is his version of balancing a knife on the spoon he has in his mouth...he is trying to mimic the real magican we had earlier in the evening in our talent show who actually did spin a knife on a spoon held in his mouth BUT without help! I just laugh thinking about him!

Post a Comment of Welcome to Berhanu and or Ephraim

This comment below (go to 1 comment which is listed underneath the last post and click on it to read the post) came from one of our long time ministry partners and dear friends of ours. She had trouble posting it so I did it for her. Then it made me think.....hey....what a GREAT IDEA! Have you ever prayed for Berhanu? Given to our ministry? Been to Ethiopia with Sports Friends? What a great encouragement it might be to send a greeting to Berhanu and Ephraim who are wonderful brothers in Christ. They have been obedient and faithful servants of our Lord and Savior. Encouragement is powerful. Let's flood them with short greetings of welcome ok? If you can't post on line then send it to my e-mail and I'll post it for you. Thanks friends! And a special thanks to Sylane (I left her ministry information in her post because she has an amazing testimony and ministry to woman....maybe you could contact her about either or both? A powerful powerful ministry testimony of how she was transformed by grace) for her thoughtful and creative idea.


Isn't Ephraim just a hoot! Here he is holding in his breath for the picture. What a riot! Well he has just landed at Dulles airport and his feet are now on US soil......HE IS ONE HAPPY CAMPER! Unfortunately due to ticketing in Ethiopia he and Berhanu won't be arriving in Charlotte till 6:39pm tonight. We plan on taking them to Chick Fila at the Arboretum after we locate their small bags and make the short drive there from the airport. Maybe you just can't wait to see Berhanu and Ephraim and want to welcome them to our city. You can do so by meeting us at the airport (United flight 7189) around 6ish or at the Chick Fila around 7:30 (they clear customs in DC). We will just be there for no more than an hour. If you have been to Ethiopia with Sports Friends or have real interest in doing so in the future you will love joining us at Church at Charlotte next Sunday. On October 18th at 6:30pm at Church of Charlotte (2500 Carmel Rd., Charlotte, 28226) there will be a Sports Friends ministry update that will focus on Ethiopia. One of the guys will be sharing their testimony, lots of camp stories from Ephraim or SFE ministry update from Berhanu I'm sure. Moreover, a short global Sports Friends update will be given which includes our African Expansion plans...exciting times! The schedule for these guys is beyond packed for the next 37 days (not all in Charlotte) which includes medical exams, out of town visits, SF training curriculum conference, meetings with donors, speaking engagements, country review, meeting with Liberty University officials & first ever tour participants, and even doing fun things like going to a Panthers game (hmmm...is that fun these days?), a UNC Chapel Hill Women's soccer game (hosted by the Dorrances themselves), and a day at Disney World (can you even imagine Ephraim there?....no worries...we are getting his heart checked BEFORE we go!). Please join us in praying that this time will be productive and fun for these two incredible Ethiopian servants of God. brian ps I will be posting updates of their trip regularly so sign up to be a follower of this blog...might even do some twittering and most definitely will do some facebooking (all information will be on this blog along with regular prayer updates). If you want all the latest on the Ethiopian boys visit to the USA stay connected to this blog throughout their stay (Oct.12th - Nov. 18th). Thank You Davidson Family and Sports Friends Partners.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Channel 9 News feature and Hope on Oprah

Click on the link below if you would like to see our families recent interview on local news about Hope for AIDS in Ethiopia.

And if you remember our summer daughter Hope Tekeurst you might enjoy viewing Oprah from Friday, Oct. 2nd. Her and her family we
re featured yesterday and what Oprah calls one of her favorite stories in 24 years of doing the show. We were so proud of her! Well done Hope and the Tekeurst Family!
