Isn't Ephraim just a hoot! Here he is holding in his breath for the picture. What a riot! Well he has just landed at Dulles airport and his feet are now on US soil......HE IS ONE HAPPY CAMPER! Unfortunately due to ticketing in Ethiopia he and Berhanu won't be arriving in Charlotte till 6:39pm tonight. We plan on taking them to Chick Fila at the Arboretum after we locate their small bags and make the short drive there from the airport. Maybe you just can't wait to see Berhanu and Ephraim and want to welcome them to our city. You can do so by meeting us at the airport (United flight 7189) around 6ish or at the Chick Fila around 7:30 (they clear customs in DC). We will just be there for no more than an hour. If you have been to Ethiopia with Sports Friends or have real interest in doing so in the future you will love joining us at Church at Charlotte next Sunday. On October 18th at 6:30pm at Church of Charlotte (2500 Carmel Rd., Charlotte, 28226) there will be a Sports Friends ministry update that will focus on Ethiopia. One of the guys will be sharing their testimony, lots of camp stories from Ephraim or SFE ministry update from Berhanu I'm sure. Moreover, a short global Sports Friends update will be given which includes our African Expansion plans...exciting times! The schedule for these guys is beyond packed for the next 37 days (not all in Charlotte) which includes medical exams, out of town visits, SF training curriculum conference, meetings with donors, speaking engagements, country review, meeting with Liberty University officials & first ever tour participants, and even doing fun things like going to a Panthers game (hmmm...is that fun these days?), a UNC Chapel Hill Women's soccer game (hosted by the Dorrances themselves), and a day at Disney World (can you even imagine Ephraim there?....no worries...we are getting his heart checked BEFORE we go!). Please join us in praying that this time will be productive and fun for these two incredible Ethiopian servants of God. brian ps I will be posting updates of their trip regularly so sign up to be a follower of this blog...might even do some twittering and most definitely will do some facebooking (all information will be on this blog along with regular prayer updates). If you want all the latest on the Ethiopian boys visit to the USA stay connected to this blog throughout their stay (Oct.12th - Nov. 18th). Thank You Davidson Family and Sports Friends Partners.
Dearest Brian and Chris,
ReplyDeleteWe are so thankful to be able to stay up on, and keep praying for, you and all God has put into your hearts and hands.
Below, is a comment I attempted to post on your blog. I guess I’m just not cyber-savvy enough. So, please pass on my love to our Ethiopian Brothers in Christ for me:
Welcome, Berhanu and Ephraim, my Brothers in Christ! You have been long lifted in prayer for all God is working in you and through you! I pray that this time with the Davidsons (love them!) and others in the Body of Christ here in the USA will be a time of deep refreshment, powerful ministry and sweet joy!
much love and unity with you through our Lord Jesus Christ--Sylane Mack (of Transformed by Grace)
Serving our Lord Jesus with you in love and prayers,
Sylane Mack, President
Transformed by Grace, Inc.
P.O. Box 976
Newtown, PA 18940
Phone 215-497-0882