I haven't even seen Ephraim yet and we have had to rescue him from himself. If Danny and I hadn't he would be living at Dulles airport until we could unravel his ticketing mess. Remind you of a movie? He reminds me of Peter from the scriptures in so many ways. I love Peter! Too long of a story to tell, but the skinny on it is he ended up double booked (he booked his own ticket on impulsive decision) on flights from Dulles, with different dates heading to two different locations in the US and one almost got cancelled today....the one he was using to come to Charlotte with today. Danny with help from another ministry partner was able to get everything worked out. Funny thing is I'm sure Ephraim doesn't have a clue anything was wrong as he waited 10 hours at Dulles (despite the fact that flights come to Charlotte from Dulles almost hourly) for his United flight to Charlotte today. He is too too much. Is America ready for Ephraim? Ready or not here he comes. PS Picture of him and I above is his version of balancing a knife on the spoon he has in his mouth...he is trying to mimic the real magican we had earlier in the evening in our talent show who actually did spin a knife on a spoon held in his mouth BUT without help! I just laugh thinking about him!
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