Wednesday, March 30, 2011

this Friday, I have Surgery at 8:30am.

That's right, I'm facing a second surgery to remove lymph nodes from my neck this Friday morning at 8:30am at Presbyterian Hospital. Long story but basically all my symptoms in my neck and throat came back again about 2 months ago. The most concerning are the large swollen lymph nodes in the right size of my neck. These are new ones, since the cluster of frieghtenly large ones were removed last year. I had more blood tests, x-rays, tubes down my throat and even tried new meds to reduce the size of the lymph nodes in my neck over the last 2 weeks. I'm in GREAT health, "Spectatular" was used by my primary doctor three times in describing my general health! It's just these lymph nodes. Yesterday the doctor confirmed that the nodes had not been reduced by the medicines which would have proved they were benign and therefore no surgery would have been necessary. The threat of them being cancerous, lymphomia exists and that's why surgery is necessary to remove them, so they can be tested. Ugh! This time if they are benign I will undergo more, what I call "weird disease" testing, to get to the root of what is negatively impacting my immune system! Anyway, one step at a time. Prayers for Friday's surgery would be appreciated from our whole family. And wouldn't be GREAT if someone came to know Christ through all this testing, hospital visits, and changed life plans.

Preaching time: God is good NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME. Cancer or no cancer! He is not a jennie I come to just when I'm in need. He is my Savior, I have a real relationship with him and I trust him in times of trial regardless of the outcome. I'd be bummed if they hurt my voice box or one of the other less likely complications occurred during the surgery. If I have cancer I'd be disappointed. But who wouldn't be. God made us to have emotions. Yet, it's really not about me, it's about Him. I fight the evil one in the power of the Holy Spirit and in prayer, not by my might or positive thinking but according to the Holy Scriptures. The relationship I have with a Holy, Holy, Holy God is such a privilege and His purposes are so much higher than mine. I'm on this earth to serve Him, however, wherever! All these trials just deepen my faith and love for Him. I'm chief sinner in the world of sports ministers. I love growing closer to Him and deeper in my faith. These times push me towards that end. And I couldn't have a better help mate to "do life" with! So here we go again, pray for peace for Chris during my surgery, the right amount of anesthesia and Dr. Kamerer as he cuts open my neck to remove the lymph nodes. Pray for courage & strength for me. Pray for no cancer cells as well as no form of lymphoma to be found. If no cancer exists then pray for clues to what is going on with my lymphatic or immune system. Thanks Everyone for your care, compassion and prayers!

BD, pursuing holiness despite being chief sinner in sports ministry. Glad His mercies are new EVERYDAY,
2 Peter 1:3-9

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying, Brian...for successful surgery, for accurate and steady surgeon hands led by our Lord, for His peace for each of you, for benign results, and for healing and answers afterwards. Please let us know if we can help in any way!
    The Black family
