This coming Monday morning at 9:30am at our house channel 9 news from here in Charlotte will be coming to our house to interview Chris and Johanna about kids with AIDS in Africa. The question they will be asking us is "why should people here in Charlotte care about those with AIDS in Africa?" Rather than having talking heads in an interview you will see mostly pictures of Chris and Johanna loving on kids who have AIDS. You will hear our response to this question posed to us by channel 9 in the background. Feel free to give us your thought's on what should be included in our response to this question. Also, on Oct. 5th there will be a special Hope for AIDS speaker from Africa at SIM USA. For more details call SIM USA at 704.588.4300 If you live in Charlotte your support for this event would be greatly appreciated. ***PLEASE pray for Chris and Johanna on Monday morning at 9:30. They are both very nervous but see this as an opportunity to not only promote the Oct. 5th event but to challenge fellow Charlotteans to get involved with making a difference in Africa by assisting kids who are fighting AIDS by no choice of their own. Thank you. brian for the Davidson family.
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