Sunday, August 17, 2014

What? Are you kidding me? We are blogging again.

*Many have asked us about the boyz story and how they are doing now. This will be our attempt to give you a synopsis of their story and a REAL glimpse of the journey we are all on together that we call THE GLORY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE.

On Nov. 4th, 2008 Chris had a discussion with a friend who had previously adopted a child whom Chris prayed for. During that discussion Chris learned that another family who had adopted 3 boys from Ghana two previous years ago no longer wanted the boys (long story). All three were brothers. Their ages were 5, 7 and 11 and their future together was now uncertain. Nobody seem to be stepping up to adopt them and the parents, especially the Mom, wanted them gone yesterday. The woman Chris was talking to asked Chris directly whether we would consider adopting the boys.  What? Are you kidding me?

Interestingly, we had recently been asking ourselves what God wanted us to do with the extra rooms in our house since three of our four children were now grown. The thought was renting them out reasonably to a couple of singles who were looking for a place NOT ADOPTING 3 kids.

 Our fourth child, Johanna Ruth, wanted us to adopt (she was 17 and had graduated from HS) and  regularly showed us pictures of children that needed to be adopted. Chris and I loved kids and felt like parenting is what we did best together.  But we decided we were too old (51)...UNLESS.... God unequivocally brought us a child to adopt. Unequivocally meaning that we both agreed that God was behind us adopting not Johanna.  Well, what about these three boys from Ghana? Johanna didn't bring us pictures of these boys - were these our new three sons?

What? We are way too old. We passed up adopting in Ethiopia at age 45 because we were too old. Johanna had just graduated and quite honestly I was really looking forward to spending more time with my buddy. We had had Joy Michelle when we were 23 and just 2 years into married. Then Danielle Christine two years later and James Kyle two years after that. We took a break for 7 years before having our fourth and "final" child we call "Pinky." Adopt three boys now? We are poor and have been in faith missions all our lives. Be nice to have some margin with our finances to do some of those things we haven't been able to do much of.  I want to fish and golf more. I want to eat out more. I would like to buy a few new things I've put off. I want to travel more with my buddy. I want.... I want...

Every excuse I listed was selfish...every one!  Two days after the question of adopting these three boys was asked of us...WE AGREED! 5 days later Gideon, Caleb and Joshua were in our home. The date was 11.11.11.

Next Blog: The glory of the impossible includes Bogatonga, Ghana.