and we WANT YOU TO JOIN US! This July, Chris, Johanna and I will be spending the month serving the absolutely AMAZING work of God that has taken place in Ethiopia through the church centered sports ministry (CCSM) approach. We invite you to join us! Please!
The main focus of your GREAT ADVENTURE Camp Langano experience will be serving wholeheartedly, alongside our Ethiopian staff, the 100 plus youth (mostly Muslim) and their Christian Coaches, who come from one of our 2300 C.C.S.M's throughout the country. We get the chance to love on a bunch of boys or girls ages 12-16 that have never had a camp experience in their life. We get to play games with them, eat our meals together, sing "meaningful" songs to them, enjoy funny skits together, convey biblical truth through drama's, swim together (if hippo isn't around), and pray for them. Also, we get to encourage the faithful Christians who serve these boys and girls in the name of Jesus Christ, often times, in very trying circumstances! It's quite a privilege to hear these Christian leaders stories and testimonies. You absolutely can't go on this trip and not be challenged in your faith & life in Christ as well as be a HUGE BLESSING to our Ethiopian ministry!
Camp Langano is located in a rural African setting 4 hours from the City of Addis Ababa. It's simply an amazing location next to Lake Langano with monkeys galore and the occasional hippo or two in full view!
Words from Sports Friends leader Tripp Johnston:
To serve at Camp Langano, you don’t need any special skill or experience – just a desire to serve God and love the Ethiopian campers (typically 12-15 years old). We have had all types come and thrive – male and female; old and young; athletic and non-athletic; outgoing and quiet. Help is needed with crafts, games, sports, music, drama, first aid, photography, etc. – or just come, hang out, and love on a group of Ethiopian youth. Come join us and half the time of your life!
Trip Dates: July 14-24, 2011 or July 21-31, 2011. Other trip dates earlier in July and in August may also be available.
Trip Cost: approximately $3,400 plus the costs of required immunizations. All trip costs paid to SIM are tax deductible.
Let me know ASAP (and certainly no later than March 15 - tripp.johnston@sim.org) if you would like to join one of these trips. These ministry trips to Camp Langano are also open for families with teenage or college age children (this is a great way to serve together with your older children). Virtually everyone who has been on a similar trip with Sports Friends in the past has had an awesome, life-impacting experience. Read testimonies from prior trip participants at our website (