Danielle cracks me up and following her blog keeps me laughing. If you need a good laugh I highly suggest checking out her always "interesting" blog once in a while as she gets closer and closer to her July 30th due date. Her DAD!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
3 Little Puigs....
For those of you interested in getting funny little updates from our daughter Danielle during her pregnancy I'm making this link available for you. http://3littlepuigs.blogspot.com/ To get to this link via a shortcut just scroll across my blog and look at the blog link on the right hand side of my page. Click on Three Little Puigs and you will be taken instantly to the blog.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
We got the results from Brians surgery back already.........
No CANCER! I repeat NO CANCER!!!!! Much to the amazement of the medical team here in Charlotte my results came back showing NO SIGNS of CANCER! Needless to say, we are thrilled and rejoicing in the fact that we will not have to endure radiation and/or chemotherapy.
It was on March 2nd that the doctors were believing that all the symptoms I was showing and the large mass on my throat and unusually large lymph nodes pointed to cancer. Was it scimus carsinoma or one of the thirty five different types of lymphoma. More tests were completed and finally surgery took place to remove the HUGE nodes and biopsy the throat tissue directly. The conclusion was NO CANCER!
I am grateful for the literally thousands (examples: a church of 800 in Brazil, a couple hundred brothers and sisters in Christ living at the Community of Jesus, friends in India, several congregations and friends fasted and prayed in Ethiopia, staff in Nigeria and Thailand, SIM teammates around the world, hundreds of people in Charlotte, hundreds more in small groups, Sunday schools and supporting churches around the US) who interceeded on our behalf.
On Friday I will meet with doctors to determine our next steps. All tissues and lymph-nodes taken from the biopsy have been sent to a micro-biology testing facility and results from these tests could take up to 8 weeks to complete before they know something definitive. Man oh man what a blessing not to have to go through radiation or chemo in the coming weeks. Chris and I are celebrating and "jumping" up for joy. Africa here we come? We are listening to God to Hear and Know His plans for us in the coming months and years. God has been purposeful in slowing me down through physical challenges in the last 16 months. Therefore, I want to be sure to listen intently to His directions for our lives as we move forward with summer and fall plans. We desire to be in Africa for the summer but Our lives are not our own. We absolutely submit to serving the Kingdom of God however and where ever he calls us to serve.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Great Drops of Blood.
March 23rd am Spurgeon Devotional: Great Drops of Blood.
Read at 6ish before going into surgery with my good friend Breck Bolton and Christine.
The mental pressure from our Lord's agony forced the pores of His body to sweat great drops of blood. What a tremendous weight of sin crushed the Savior! What a demonstration of the mighty power of His love."
Isaac Ambrose observed that the sap which flows from the uncut tree is always the best. This precious tree yielded sweet spices when it was wounded by whips and pierced by nails. But it produced it's finest spices preceding that, when there was no whip, no nail, no physical wound.
Christ suffered willingly. Without being lanced His blood flowed freely. No need for a surgeon to use a scalpel; His blood flowed spontaneously. No need for Moses to cry, "Spring up, O well" (Numbers 21:17). Of itself His blood flows in crimson torrents.
When people suffer greatly, apparently the blood rushes to their heart. Their face becomes pale and frequently they faint. the blood has gone inward as if to nourish the inner being. but look at our Savior. He is so utterly oblivious of self, that instead of His agony driving His blood to His heart to nourish Himself, it flows outward to minister to us. the agony of Christ, as His blood is poured out on the ground, pictures the fullness of the offering He made for us.
Can you perceive the intensity of His suffering? will you hear its voice as it speaks? "You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin" (Hebrews 12:4). Let the great Apostle and High Priest be our example. Sweat blood if you have to, rather than yield to the great temper of you soul. "
I had to share a little of what came to my mind about Spurgeons words and my experience at the hospital today for this blog entry on March 23rd. So here goes: blood....hmmm.... I'm reminded of a couple of pre-op "happenings" today - 1.the nurse putting in my IV this morning missed numerous times leaving blood all over my left hand... 2. then the next nurse did get the IV in on the right hand and a couple of other medical procedures completed, but not without, in her words, "making a real big mess that had blood all over my right hand and arm." 3. of course during the surgery there was blood all over the doctors and nurses and the tools they were using to fix me up. 4. Tonight, the evening of the surgery, as I reread the devotional I have a bag of blood that hangs over my right shoulder right now collecting the blood which is connected to the tube that is located in the right side of my neck where the surgery took place earlier this morning. Blood is critical to sustaining life. When i got pricked and poked before the surgery the blood came out of my skin and made a mess. It didn't hurt, but if that bleeding had continued for a long time I would lose too much blood and death would follow. In my case the nurses easily took care of business and a small mess on my arms and gown was the only issue. In surgery, well that was quite the procedure. The cutting out of the very large lymph nodes in my neck caused lots of bleeding. But the doctors and nurses managed the blood loss well and my life was never in danger.
Jesus loved you and me so much he literally spilled his blood, without being numbed or knocked out with "sleep" medicine for the forgiveness of our sins. Not his sins but for our sins! Yours and mine! He suffered this blood loss so that we might have a personal relationship with our HOLY HOLY HOLY Heavenly Father. This in turns enables us to have eternal life, so that we could be participants in the the GREATEST Celebration (party) ever.....what an INCREDIBLE COST that was for Jesus to pay. My blood was spilled so that I would be made physically better. Jesus blood was spilled to for the sake of others. That's real love!
If you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior today recognize the cost of GREAT DROPS of BLOOD spilled for you so that you might find the forgiveness of ALL your sins, true joy, life abundantly and genuine purpose to real life living today. Secondly, if you have such a relationship with Christ, think of having a bag of Christ blood slung over your right shoulder everyday as a reminder of Christ blood spilled for our well being. Let's remember the cost Jesus paid for our sins, for our lives, by living our lives in such a way that in everything we do and everywhere we go we will live as His wittness to what He has done for us.
A reality of the greatest truth from the Word of God..we are WASHED in the BLOOD Of JESUS..the redemption of mankind is found in the GREAT Drops of Blood spilled from Jesus Christ body for the atonement of our sins so that we might live out His righteousness and share this good news with others so that EVERYONE (regardless of past sins committed, race, gender, age, physical or mental state, or position in this world) who embraces this truth might have life everlasting. If you love Jesus, think of these GREAT Drops of blood daily so that you will be reminded of the cost that took place for our Spiritual freedom.....then..... with a grateful heart that pounds with passion, zeal, and compassion for HIS Kingdom purposes serve others. Serve those who are hopeless, lonely, and searching for fulfillment and significance in this life. Tell them in all humility and gentleness of spirit, of Jesus who spilled his blood for them so that they may live a purposeful life with great meaning & fulfillment.
To God and God alone be the Glory. I count it a PRIVIlege unlike any other to serve the Kingdom of God and His purposes on this earth. Thank You Jesus for all that you have done for me...it's simply amazing. I'm so GRATEFUL for the GREAT DROPS OF BLOOD you spilled on my behalf.
the Glory of the Impossible.
Monday, March 22, 2010
"You never Walk alone" - Surgery is at 6:45am now.
As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ I know that I never walk alone in times of uncertainty. I laugh in the face of fear because my God extolls me to "fear not." I am a child of God, heir to the King of Kings and nothing but nothing can happen to me that God doesn't permit or allow. I ask for protection from the evil one and peace for Chris & the kids as they wait for me to come out of surgery. We ask for patience and courage for the news of the biopsy results expected to come by early next week.
""Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me....." Psalm 23:4
"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: REJOICE! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:4-9.
John 14:27 and John 16:33 are two more great verses when we come up against troubles and challenges that this world throws at us. Thanks brother Aidan for these two awesome truths for times such as these. Be strong and courageous my friend. Thanks to you and so many others for not allowing me to walk alone through this challenging time. Pray I can be an advocate for Jesus to those I meet at the hospital tomorrow. Love sharing the old old story that is timeless in it's truth for everyone everywhere today, tomorrow and to the end of time. WHAT A GREAT GOD WE WORSHIP!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Liberty Team is Heading back to Lynchburg.
Danielle and John were heading to the teams final dinner in Ethiopia at one of Nells favorite places in Addis called Zebra grill. Nell said she just didn't want to leave Ethiopia, it felt so much like home to her. Pray for their traveling mercies as they are due to arrive in Washington at 4:45pm on Sunday. Then they all have to be ready for classes on Monday and Nell has to be ready for work. She and John will be writing up a summary of their experience with lots and lots of pictures. If your interested in viewing some of the pics (she took 2000) and reading about their experience I will provide for you a link to do so when she is completes the task. Thanks for covering this ministry initiative in prayer. Lets she how God uses in the lives of all those who took part in another GREAT ADVENTURE to Ethiopia to experience the GLORY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE.
***Note: They arrived back in the USofA as scheduled, safe and sound. I will have the opportunity to go to Liberty to meet with the students and to hear their stories sometime in April. I really look forward to that time.
Quietness in God our TRUE RESOURCE by Fenelon
"When it comes to accomplishing things for God, you will find that aspirations, enthusiastic feelings, careful planning and being able to express yourself well are not worth very much. The important thing is absolute surrender to God. You can do anything He wants you to do if you are walking in the light of full surrender. Living in this blessed way involves a continual death which is known to very few, but it is in this position that you can be really effective for God. A single word spoken to another person from this restful, abandoned position will do more to change circumstances than all our most eager and carefully planned schemes. You see, when you speak from this position of abandonment to God, it is the Spirit of God who is then speaking, and the word you speak out of context loses none of its force and authority. Only one word perhaps-but it enlightens, persuades, blesses, and moves to action. We have accomplished everything and have scarcely said anything. "
A truth worth living out for all followers of Christ and especially those like myself serving in full time ministry. Fenelon's book entitled "Let Go" has influenced my perspective towards ministry every since I read it for the first time years ago. In America we define "ministry success" in terms of numbers, results, what we do, our short term personal mission experiences and "accomplishments" and what we build. Moreover, we often minister out of our own woundedness of heart and our need to be approved by these terms and what others say. But God demands we be absolutely surrendered to Him and His approval only. This only comes from our love for our Heavenly Father which is manifested in the following virtues of Christ- true humility, obedience, faithfulness, forgiveness, integrity, compassion, selflessness and sacrifice. Success from God's viewpoint is found in living out the righteousness of these virtues towards our Heavenly Fathers purposes, plans and His People. Being quiet before God is our true resource that will lead us to speak and live more in accordance to the ways and will of God.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
New Surgery Time
Tuesday, March 23rd I will be at the hospital by 6 am and the surgery will begin at 7:30am. Looking forward to taking this next step in the process towards getting healthy again. Thanks again friends for your encouragement and prayers over the last couple of weeks.
Quick Liberty Team update
Just talked with Danielle briefly and she said they were not coming back to the States. Guess that means they are all having a GREAT time. Nell says the only Hiccup so far has been the hippo's that have taken up residency in our swimming area. Six to ten Hippos are in the area so swimming has been out but national geographic pictures have been in! Team unity seems to be outstanding and the campers are being "loved on" big time by the students. We changed the camp program slightly to make the daily schedule more conducive for the students to have more time to directly interact with the campers. Seems to be working well so far. Praying that the Spirit of God would move mightily in the campers hearts as well as the students are. Thankful our whole Sports Friends Ethiopia staff has participated in making this camp week so special! The Wetzels and Smiths are receiving high praises from Nell for their care and compassion for the Liberty team. I will provide a more specific ministry update on Friday after the camp concludes. Thanks for praying for this ministry initiative.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Next Step......
After todays mtg with the doctor we have concluded that surgery to remove the lymph node on the right side of my neck for further testing is the appropriate next step. That lymph node will then be tested for various forms of lymphoma of which there are approximately 35. The doctor has decided he will also biopsy some of the tissue from the tonsil which means after cutting the node out he will go into the throat area beneath the tongue for this. Kinda a 2 for 1 special we just couldn't say no too I guess. Actually, truth be told Chris talked him into the second part of the surgery......she loves those special deals! But when she asked the doctor to do the surgery at the goodwill store to save money I put my "throat" down. No way to that! Anyway, thanks for praying friends and I'm so sorry this has been such a drawn out process but we appreciate you standing in the gap with us. After the surgery we expect to get the results in one weeks time. I will post the time of the surgery when we receive confirmation on that. bd
Finally a Diagnosis!
Don't know what it is yet, but I'm on my way to Dr. Kamerer's office to find out. Looking forward to knowing something definitive today. Excited and nervous at the same time.
"be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" 2 Timothy 2:1
Friday, March 12, 2010
Update from Chris
Dear Friends and Family,
I just wanted to update on our situation and keep you in the loop for prayers. First of all, thank-you to all of you who sent cards, e-mails, Facebook messages, or called Brian to make his 50th birthday so special! He was so blessed by all the love expressed and the fun memories shared. We had a fun dinner out with a couple of dear friends, before which Johanna and I blindfolded him and took him out--surprise!-- shopping for his recliner chair, a gift from the whole family. Of course Johanna found the largest one in the store-- waaay to big for our little sunroom/ TV room. It is almost four feet wide and swallows you up in it. Naturally, it is oh, so comfortable. I have my work cut out for me trying to get them to focus on a smaller size. At least it was not leather; they are being thrifty minded, if not practical! =)
Well, the last two weeks have definitely been a roller coaster ride for us, as Brian has been to one doctor after another and had all kinds or tests and scans. So far, the results have not been definitive. Thursday he went in for a second biopsy, during which they stuck three needles in his neck and wiggled them around for a good, long time to be sure to get enough cells for the lab. Evidently, this was still not good enough, because we have yet to get results. There was no obvious malignancy on the samples, which we take as good news, but they are doing a more thorough test (photo cytology?) for lymphoma, and may yet remove the lymph node to examine it. We will keep you posted as soon as we get any concrete news.
We have been uplifted and cared for by the body of Christ on every side and feel God's peace. On Sunday after church the elders and our pastor prayed over Brian and anointed him with oil, reading from James 5:13-18. Our children also, have seemed able to rest in the knowledge that God is in control, for which we are grateful. Perhaps our prayers are already being answered and God is beginning a healing work in Brian's body. We know He is able! We are also willing to go through whatever He has planned for His glory.
Whatever the test results, the hardest part has been the waiting, and, for Brian, being told he could not go with the team from Liberty to Ethiopia. He asked the doctor twice whether he was sure about that, once again as late as this past Tuesday. It was a great disappointment to him after having worked on it for so many months as SIM and Liberty's first partnership, and especially with John and Danielle leading the group. We sent them off Thursday in the very capable hands of Dan Linz, son of Don and Barb Linz, who trained us when we first joined SIM. Danielle is so excited to share her beloved Ethiopia with these students and with John, and we are praying that the Lord might call some of these young people to full-time ministry with SIM. John and Danielle are already praying and working toward full-time missions themselves. We heard from them briefly today through Berhanu, so they did arrive safely. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THEIR SAFETY AND THEIR MINISTRY THROUGHOUT THE TRIP, AND ESPECIALLY FOR DANIELLE, FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS PREGNANT WITH OUR GRANDSON. Her doctors have been very careful to cover all the bases and gave her the okay to go, but you know how parents can be concerned for their children!
Much love in Christ,
I just wanted to update on our situation and keep you in the loop for prayers. First of all, thank-you to all of you who sent cards, e-mails, Facebook messages, or called Brian to make his 50th birthday so special! He was so blessed by all the love expressed and the fun memories shared. We had a fun dinner out with a couple of dear friends, before which Johanna and I blindfolded him and took him out--surprise!-- shopping for his recliner chair, a gift from the whole family. Of course Johanna found the largest one in the store-- waaay to big for our little sunroom/ TV room. It is almost four feet wide and swallows you up in it. Naturally, it is oh, so comfortable. I have my work cut out for me trying to get them to focus on a smaller size. At least it was not leather; they are being thrifty minded, if not practical! =)
Well, the last two weeks have definitely been a roller coaster ride for us, as Brian has been to one doctor after another and had all kinds or tests and scans. So far, the results have not been definitive. Thursday he went in for a second biopsy, during which they stuck three needles in his neck and wiggled them around for a good, long time to be sure to get enough cells for the lab. Evidently, this was still not good enough, because we have yet to get results. There was no obvious malignancy on the samples, which we take as good news, but they are doing a more thorough test (photo cytology?) for lymphoma, and may yet remove the lymph node to examine it. We will keep you posted as soon as we get any concrete news.
We have been uplifted and cared for by the body of Christ on every side and feel God's peace. On Sunday after church the elders and our pastor prayed over Brian and anointed him with oil, reading from James 5:13-18. Our children also, have seemed able to rest in the knowledge that God is in control, for which we are grateful. Perhaps our prayers are already being answered and God is beginning a healing work in Brian's body. We know He is able! We are also willing to go through whatever He has planned for His glory.
Whatever the test results, the hardest part has been the waiting, and, for Brian, being told he could not go with the team from Liberty to Ethiopia. He asked the doctor twice whether he was sure about that, once again as late as this past Tuesday. It was a great disappointment to him after having worked on it for so many months as SIM and Liberty's first partnership, and especially with John and Danielle leading the group. We sent them off Thursday in the very capable hands of Dan Linz, son of Don and Barb Linz, who trained us when we first joined SIM. Danielle is so excited to share her beloved Ethiopia with these students and with John, and we are praying that the Lord might call some of these young people to full-time ministry with SIM. John and Danielle are already praying and working toward full-time missions themselves. We heard from them briefly today through Berhanu, so they did arrive safely. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THEIR SAFETY AND THEIR MINISTRY THROUGHOUT THE TRIP, AND ESPECIALLY FOR DANIELLE, FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS PREGNANT WITH OUR GRANDSON. Her doctors have been very careful to cover all the bases and gave her the okay to go, but you know how parents can be concerned for their children!
Much love in Christ,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I had 3 wonderful good looking needles put into my lymph node on the right side of my neck today. No pain no Gain, right! Bottom Line they are doing more tests on the samples they took today and will have an answer for me in the morning.
Going to enjoy a pizza and some March Madness tonight. We are in very good spirits despite having to wait another day!
Brian for Chris too (who has been in bed for last 48hrs sick as can be....ugh!)
"Abide in Me" John 15:4
Woke up this morning after the best nights sleep in 2 weeks. Feeling absolutely peaceful and ready for the day. Abiding in Him and feeling the prayers of so many today.
Three weeks ago I thought I'd be excited about this day for another reason....I'd be back in Ethiopia! The Liberty team departs Washington, D.C. today later this afternoon. Please pray for the students who are going to have their faith strengthened, to have a servants attitude, and for God to stir in some the desire to be a intern or long term missionary with SIM in the future. They will be gone to the 21st of March.
Truth be told I'm more anxious about Danielle going on this trip pregnant than I am about my test today at the BCC here in Charlotte at 2pm. So if you would, pray for Danielle to stay healthy for the duration of this trip and thereafter. Thank you.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Biopsy 2pm Thursday, March 11th
I can't wait to go to Blumenthal Cancer Center tomorrow at 2pm to have somebody stick needles in my neck. That's unusual for someone who is such a whimp like me! But hey this waiting around is for the birds. I know...I know PATIENCE! Easier said as advice to others than to live out oneself! At least for me today. I got the hospital run around all day and it was frustrating. But thanks to my friend Breck Bolton we got this final tell tale biopsy set for tomorrow. Yes! Thanks Breck.
Anybody come up with there own opinion on what the "not definitive" result yesterday meant. I think many of us came up with our own theories. Here's my take on the "not definitive" first biopsy result yesterday. Doctors were so convinced I had cancer because of the size of the lump in my throat and the large lymph nodes that when the cells came back not showing signs of cancer they were shocked. Therefore they want to dig deeper and take more cells from multiple area's in the lymph nodes to be completely sure. Just a TOTAL GUESS! But I say dig all you want. Let's be sure. It's hard not to get your hopes up after the "not definitive" result but I've been trying pretty hard to guard my optimistic hopes just in case. Love for it to be "a definitive NO cancer" result tomorrow, but still I understand the journey I'm on and I trust God withever the result.
So I been studying and learning more and more about trials. Whatever the result is tomorrow this has been a trial for our family. Whether it turns out to be just a little one or a big one is yet to be determined. Everyone of us has trials...regularly. They come in all sizes and from various sources. Sickness, failure in a task, a relationship issue with someone you care about, the loss of a job, the loss of confidence, financial problems, ailments, disease, and countless other types big and small. That's life on this earth. But as a follower of Jesus Christ be encouraged by these words no matter what size of the trial your facing or what the source of the trial is:
"We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." Acts 14:22 Spurgeon say's,
" God's people have trials. It was never God's design for His people to be untried." "Behold I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" (Isaiah 48:10).
God's people were never chosen for worldly peace and merely earthly joy. Freedom from sickness and the pains of life was never guaranteed. When the Lord drew up the character of privileges, He included chastisement among the things we should expect. Trials are part of life. Trials were predestinated for us in God's solemn decrees and bequeathed to us in Christ's legacy. As surely as the stars are fashioned by God's hands and their orbits fixed by Him, our trials are allotted to us. He has ordained their season, their place, their intensity, and the effect they will have on us. Not even good people should expect to escape troubles. If they do, they will be disappointed for all their predecessors have had trials. .....remember the biographies of all the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs. All these vessels of mercy passed through the fires of affliction. It is ordained that the cross of trouble will be engraved on every ship of mercy like the royal mark distinguishes a King's vessel. Although tribulations walk the path with God's children we take comfort knowing that our Master has traveled it ahead of us. We have His presence and sympathy to cheer us. His grace to support us, and His example to teach us how to endure. The trials of this life will seem as nothing when we reach heaven. "
I love this perspective! This was Paul's perspective and that's how when he was in jail, persecuted, robbed, stoned, etc etc he still had the joy of the Lord. It's impossible to have this joy in and of ourselves. Impossible! But in the Spirit we can respond authentically and genuinely in a way that is completely different than any natural response would normally elict. Ahhh...the GLORY of the IMPOSSIBLE!...when someone "lives out' the righteousness of the Lord in a difficult circumstance or situation and only God can receive the glory because you know one's natural inclination is much different. Be encouraged by this truth.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Biopsy was not definitive. Will head to the hospital in 24-48hrs for a definitive biopsy.....they won't let me leave till they know one way or another. The cancer/tumor doctor gave us a ray of hope today. He said despite the large lump in my throat and large lymph nodes it could be just really bad allergies over an extended period of time that has caused all this swelling. Let's pray this is exactly what it is. Wouldn't that be AWESOME! That's for now, thanks for praying!
Monday, March 8, 2010
New Directions for being a FOLLOWER
Many of you wrote to me about not being able to sign up for being a follower of our blog. Sorry if the last directions didn't work for some of you. Try this:
Just click on FOLLOWER on the right side of the blog. When the next page comes up just click on GOOGLE. When the next page comes up you just need to put in your PASSWORD. That's it, Your done.
Will I ever learn?...UGH!
I woke up a bit anxious today. Until now I've had a tremendous peace about my health situation but when I woke up this morning I was just wishing it was Tuesday. Waiting to know stinks. So into my quiet time with God I went and I must admit, not with the best of attitudes.
I started with a Charles Spurgeon devotional called "Morning and Evening." The name of the devotional was TRUST. "It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8 Spurgeon: "We have all been tempted to trust the things we can see rather than resting only on the invisible God. We often look to friends and associates for help and counsel and thus ruin the noble simplicity of relying on God. Tonight are you worried about the cares of the day? If so, think about this. You trust Jesus for your salvation. Then why are you troubled? This is a promise: "Cast your burden on the Lord" Psalm 55:22. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God" Philippians 4:6. You can trust god to handle your present problems. If you cannot trust Him with your present problems, how can you trust Him for your soul's redemption? If you trust Him for your soul's redemption, you can rely on Him for smaller mercies. Isn't God enough to meet all your needs, or His all-sufficiency too little for your needs? Do you want another eye beside the one that sees every secret thing? Is His heart faint? Is His arm weary? If so, seek another god. But if He is infinite, Omnipotent, Faithful,True, and All-wise then why run around looking for another foundation when this one is strong enough to bear all the weight you can ever build on? Christian, do not mix your wine and water, do not blend your gold of faith with the dross of human confidence. Wait only on God and let your expectation be from Him alone. do not covet Jonah's plant but rest in Jonah's God (Jonah 4:6). The sandy foundation of earthly trust is the choice of fools. "The wise man built his house on the rock and the rain descended, the flood came, and the wind blew and beat on the house; and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock" Matthew 7:24-25."
Will I ever learn? What a dope I am. How can I so easily forget these truths at times like this? Why can't I "live out" the righteousness of Christ in more of my day each day? I think it's time I give those Israelites a break. I thought they were some of the stupidest people on earth, EVER! But then I stumble and fall just like them....over and over again. What a mess I am! THANK GOD FOR A GOD WHO LOVES ME AND YOU UNCONDITIONALLY! WHOSE MERCIES ARE SO DEEPLY APPRECIATED BY THOSE OF US WHO ARE SUCH A MESS!
The rest of my day has been Awesome! I wore black today rather than for my 50th tomorrow...ha ha! I hear that 50 is the new 30! Got love that.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Johanna's Prom
Wow, was our "little one" looking so beautiful for her first prom (pictures on both hers and danielle's facebook). The difference in her appearance between the night before as she participated in her basketball championship game for Arborbrook to Saturday's prom night was stunning! Her "bigger" sister yet smaller sister Danielle came down to buy her accessories (she found Johanna's dress as well.......$398 bucks.....but she got it for $65...that's Nell!), fix her hair and basically whip her into "beauty" shape. What a job she did! Johanna had a wonderful time as she decided to go with a big group of friends than with a handsome young man. Fine with Dad.
Brian's health update
I have been pricked, poked and put into all sorts of positions to have tests and scans to determine the cause of my lymph nodes being swollen as well as some "tissues" in my throat. Something in my throat is large and causing me swallowing, gaging and at times breathing issues. Originally I was going to wait to inform partners of ours in ministry till after the results of the recent biopsy in my neck was provided (which I will receive on Tuesday, March 9th), but then I decided that I needed all the prayer warriors I can get right now.
The tumor/cancer ENT specialist from Charlotte will deliver the results to Chris and I at 2:45pm on Tuesday. Lymphoma or squamous carcinoma are the odds on favorite, but we are praying for something less serious. Most of all, we are praying that if it is cancer that it has not spread to other parts of my body. As many of you know, my mom had lymphoma in her neck that spread to her liver just about my age. She passed at age 52. Neither Chris and I are living in fear or unreality about the serious of the situation. We believe that our lives are all about being used for our Heavenly Father's purposes on this earth. Therefore, whatever circumstances, challenges and crisis we face, we believe they are all allowed by God to serve as an opportunity to draw us to greater dependence on Himself as well as to glorify His name in such times of trials & suffering.
Nobody desires to suffer or wishes difficulties upon themselves. We are no different! Yet we trust and have so much faith in our Lord Savior that whatever he chooses for us to go through, we stand ready in the power of the Holy Spirit to battle. Cancer is called the big "C," but as my sister says, the big "C" is found in Christ and the little "c" is known as cancer. His ways are not always our ways but they are the very best ways. His grace is always sufficient.
We appreciate your prayers for us. Romans 8:26 -28, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those called according to his purpose." I love God!
Pray for Chris, the kids and I to be strong and courageous. Pray for others to see Christ in us so that they will be drawn to His ways and unconditional love.
***We will update this blog on Tuesday evening with the results one way or another. To receive the news you will have to sign up to be a follower of this blog so that you are notified. It's real easy to sign up just go to the top left hand corner of this blog and you will see the word FOLLOW. Click on that and then click again on follow which is down below the explanation. Thank You. This makes it easier for us to ensure everyone who wants to be updated is. Thank you all for your faithful partnership with us in ministering to the youth in Africa and Asia through the platform of sports connected to local churches and church planting efforts. To God and God alone be the GLORY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!
Delayed or Cancelled?
If you did not receive a letter sent out by Chris regarding our future plans to move to Ethiopia being on hold then please e-mail me at brian.davidson@sim.org or go right to the source at cdafrica@gmail.com Thank You.
Liberty Team Heads to Ethiopia
On Thursday, March 11th John and Danielle Puig with Lee Marthers assisting them will lead a group of 16 students to Ethiopia. It is the first initiative between SIM and Liberty as the two organizations signed a long term partnership agreement in 2009. Sports Friends will play in-country ministry host to the team and will focus their efforts towards leading a camp for youth from our ongoing church centered sports ministry projects. They will also learn about our orphan ministry, visit the shelter for our girls that use to live on the streets, see the Hope for AIDS ministry, visit a medical clinic, see the house of hope, a school visit in a Muslim community and meet some of SIM's missionaries living in Ethiopia. Please pray that the students would be moved to action: 1. that some of the participants would consider an internship with SIM in the future, or would be interested in serving with SIM in Ethiopia after graduating from Liberty 2. pray for protection from the enemy 3. pray for their singing, drama's and informal game times with the Ethiopian youth. That these youth would sense God's love through the Liberty students and the truth of God's Word shared. 4. For Danielle who is pregnant that she would encounter NO health issues. The group returns to the States March 21st.
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